這是2020三月Q3第一問 想問一下老師,這里怎么看出殘值為0的,我可能沒讀懂題目意思。

世界第一翻車魚 發(fā)布于:2024-09-09 20:41:41 瀏覽94次   ACCA AFM
An investment in plant and machinery of $12m will be required as soon as regulatory approval has been granted. Tax allowable depreciation is available on the plant and machinery at an annual rate of 20% on a straight-line basis. A balancing adjustment is expected at the end of the project when the plant and machinery will be scrapped. Tax is payable at 20% in the year in which profits are made. The relevant cost of capital to be used in the appraisal is 12%. 這是題目原文


Danielzhou 發(fā)布于2024-09-12 14:35:37
