It’s full steam ahead for the introduction of CBE exams thisSeptember, says ACCA’s Director of Qualifications, Catherine Edwards.
In an exclusive interview Edwards revealed that ACCA will be releasing specimen papers in late April for the new-look exams.
The computer-based exams have been ‘three years in the making’,and students will be expected to answer usingspreadsheets and word processing with table creation functionality. Inaddition to specimen exams, ACCA is planning to release a blank spreadsheet andword processing sheet so students can practice with them. Again these will bereleased late April time.
ACCA plans to use a specialist supplier toprovide its worldwide computer based centre network. The supplier is veryestablished at running computer-based exams worldwide and will ensure dedicatedcentres for ACCA students to take their exams in a professional anduninterrupted manner.
Edwards stressed that ACCA will be running parallel exams – both paperand CBE exams. She said a CBE-only offering will only happen when students andtutors are ready, and will be introduced on a country-by-country basis , starting small with selected centres available in certain cities initially. UKand Ireland will be in the first set of countries to come on-line.
Edwards explained under the new CBE regime PQs will be stillreceive a mark for their exam and sitters will still need 50 per cent to pass.When it comes to the CBE exams themselves she explained exams won’t all be thesame but ACCA has taken steps to ensure all exams are of the same standard, andas the exams are controlled across the different time zones that ACCA offersexams in, steps are also taken to ensure the exam content is protected. ACCAwill be releasing details of how the model works. It comes with a lot ofresearch and has been explained to the regulators, who are all happy.
ACCA has had to work closely with the regulators – the likes ofSQA, QAA and FRC, and a number of others around the world. They too have had tobe taken on the journey.